For Today: October 6, 2008
Outside my window...the sky is slightly overcast.
I am thinking...that I'd really like to go back to bed. I feel like I'm coming down with something and just feel puny today.
I am thankful for...a crate of romaine lettuce and several pints of fresh raspberries someone blessed us with.
From the tea to soothe my throat.
I am wearing...a brown t-shirt, denim skirt, and slippers.
I am creating...a list of activities for Lil' Nut to work on this week during our "Fun Preschool" time.
I am travel to South Florida with a group of ladies from our church later this week. We'll be attending a ladies' conference at a Bible-believing church. I'm looking forward to it!
I am my Bible: Psalms; just for fun: Waiting for Summer's Return by Kim Vogel Sawyer.
I am hoping...that the herbs I am taking are effective.
I am hearing...Lil' Nut sing a song while she colors.
Around the house...laundry; ironing; tidying up the pantry.
One of my favorite things...orchids; they are simply elegant.
A few plans for the rest of the week...housekeeping; a trip to the library; get Buddy groomed; homecoming week festivities; attend an out-of-town ladies' conference.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...(you can click on the photo to enlarge)
This week is full of fun homecoming activities at our Christian school. Today my kiddos dressed up for "Tacky Day". Don't they look silly cute? :)
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