Outside my window...the sun is shining and the birds are twittering away.
I am thankful for...the thousands of brave men and women who have given their lives while in service to our great nation.
From the kitchen...Mr. C will be grilling chicken and hot dogs. I'll contribute corn on the cob, a salad, and ice cream.
I am wearing...a bright pink polo shirt and a denim skirt; cute pink Brighton earrings; pink sandals.
I am creating...a cross stitch sampler of a classy high-heeled shoe.
I am going...to water the houseplants as soon as I finish typing this post.
I am reading...real estate paperwork. There is so much fine print on a real estate contract! I think I'm going to need a magnifying glass.
I am hoping...that we get done with school by noon today. The kids were begging to take the whole day off, but we only have three weeks to get the rest of their schoolwork done. They have the meanest teacher! :)
I am hearing...jet skis on the lake that have gotten off to an early holiday morning start.
Around the house...there are a few chores that need to be done today. The bedrooms will be vacuumed, the bathrooms will be mopped, and four loads of laundry will be done (Lord willing!).
One of my favorite things...OPI nail polish. I just love all of the pretty colors, and the names of the shades crack me up! Today my piggy toes are wearing "Elephantastic Pink". :)
A few plans for the rest of the week... Mr. C will be traveling to Florida for a couple of days. This time he will be driving instead of flying and will be taking down a load of "stuff" from his office. He is also taking one of the kids along for the ride. The rest of us will work on school lessons. I would also like to get some packing done.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
my favorite blogging spot