Warm and full

We haven't had to turn on the heat yet this winter--until this week. Only in Florida can you go from temperatures in the 80's one day to below freezing the next. Yesterday morning the thermometer read 28 degrees; this morning it was 32. Steven got the fireplace going for us to enjoy. There's just something wonderful about snuggling up in front of a fire.
Yes, Christmas stockings are still hanging from the mantle.
Tonight I made something new for supper that The Pioneer Woman shared the recipe for earlier this week: cheeseburger salad. So simple and delicious! I can't believe I've never come up with something like this on my own before considering I've made taco salad about a million times. The kids loved it, and I'm thrilled to have a new, easy recipe to add to the rotation. If you try it, make sure you use the crunchy deli-style pickles and quality sharp cheese; you'll appreciate the good stuff. And, if you're lucky, you'll have diced pickles left over to much on while you do the dishes.

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~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Thursday, January 05, 2012
Warm and full
We haven't had to turn on the heat yet this winter--until this week. Only in Florida can you go from temperatures in the 80's one day to below freezing the next. Yesterday morning the thermometer read 28 degrees; this morning it was 32. Steven got the fireplace going for us to enjoy. There's just something wonderful about snuggling up in front of a fire.
Yes, Christmas stockings are still hanging from the mantle.
Tonight I made something new for supper that The Pioneer Woman shared the recipe for earlier this week: cheeseburger salad. So simple and delicious! I can't believe I've never come up with something like this on my own before considering I've made taco salad about a million times. The kids loved it, and I'm thrilled to have a new, easy recipe to add to the rotation. If you try it, make sure you use the crunchy deli-style pickles and quality sharp cheese; you'll appreciate the good stuff. And, if you're lucky, you'll have diced pickles left over to much on while you do the dishes.

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Blogger Faith said...
Lol...your week sounds like a typical early spring week up here in the eastern part of New York or New England! We've had a weird winter too thus far. Very mild temps in my area and NO SNOW YET (my parents live in central NYS and they have about 4 inches of white stuff..they are only 1 1/2 hrs west of us!). This week was bitter cold here and tomorrow it's supposed to go back up to 45 degrees! crazy!! That salad looks great..>I'm gonna print out a copy....my daughters will love everything but the pickles.

Blogger Paula said...
@ Faith~ I cannot imagine what it's like to deal with the snow. At least we usually get really warm weather again after a few days of cold.

I hope you like the salad; my youngest didn't care for the pickles, either. :)

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