Dear Master, for this coming year Just one request I bring: I do not pray for happiness, Or any earthly thing- I do not ask to understand The way Thou leadest me, But this I ask: Teach me to do The thing that pleaseth Thee. I want to know Thy guiding voice, To wak with Thee each day. Dear Master, make me swift to hear And ready to obey. And thus the year I now begin A happy year will be- If I am seeking just to do The thing that pleaseth Thee. ~~~oOo~~~

~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Friday, January 01, 2010
Dear Master, for this coming year Just one request I bring: I do not pray for happiness, Or any earthly thing- I do not ask to understand The way Thou leadest me, But this I ask: Teach me to do The thing that pleaseth Thee. I want to know Thy guiding voice, To wak with Thee each day. Dear Master, make me swift to hear And ready to obey. And thus the year I now begin A happy year will be- If I am seeking just to do The thing that pleaseth Thee. ~~~oOo~~~


Blogger Adrienne said...
Amen! That is what I pray for the coming year - that I will be faithful and quick to obey. Happy New Year to you and your dear family. ~Adrienne~

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