We have had the most wonderful weather lately! Lil' Nut and I spent a good part of this morning outdoors enjoying the beauty around us. While most of the country is enduring snow and ice, it feels almost spring-like here in Central Florida. I thought I would share a few January pictures from our yard to warm you chilled folks up a bit. :)
When we moved into our house last summer, I didn't realize that there were poinsettias in the planters out by the pool. At the time I thought they were just some dead sticks. They surprised us by blooming right before Christmas.
These hibiscus keep popping up every day in a rainbow of colors.
The water level in our backyard pond is way down right now. We really need some rain! A couple of days ago we spotted this otter swimming up a storm. I couldn't get close enough to get a very clear picture because he was so fast. He probably came from the big lake nearby and seems to be enjoying feasting here. Otter babies would be so cute, but this one appears to be single at the moment. This is only the second otter I've seen in the wild--pretty neat!
Now, don't you feel warmer already?? :)
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. ~Revelation 4:11 KJVLabels: Outdoor Life