From time to time I receive emails asking me how I keep my house so clean with six people living in it. I have to laugh when I get those questions. You should have been here last week! I'm the first person (my husband would be the second) to tell you that my house is never spotless or completely free of clutter. After all, it's not a museum; it's a house. We live in it. However, I do think that having a clean house is important. I want my home to be a haven for my family, their favorite place to be. Housecleaning is necessary if you want to have an inviting, comfortable home. It requires that dreaded four letter word w-o-r-k, and it requires planning.
I'm a big list person. I make lists for everything and enjoy checking things off of my lists as I accomplish them. I have a binder where I keep a list of housekeeping routines and chores that need to be tackled throughout the year. I used to spend quite a bit of time writing out additional lists of daily household chores, but then last year I came across a useful tool that has saved me lots of time in the chore planning department. I ordered the Motivated Moms Chore Planner, and I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that it was one of the best things I've ever spend a few bucks on. It was such a help to me that I put up an affiliate link in my sidebar because I wanted other ladies to know about it.
The Motivated Moms Chore Planner is a printable chore list, available in eight different versions including a few that have a daily Bible reading plan, that can be downloaded and saved to your computer. You can then either print the full year out at once, print a week at a time, or just view it on your computer. These printable chore lists are just what you are looking for if you need to know exactly what to do each day around your home without having to plan it all out yourself.
I just ordered my 2009 Daily Planner. You can view samples of the different planners here. Get a clean start on 2009! :)Labels: Keeping the Home