7 Things

I've been tagged by several of my blogging friends to do the "7 random things" meme. Well, here goes! 1. I was a Presidential Classroom Scholar when I was 15. I spent a week with some of America's brightest kids and met many of Washington's elite. It was an exciting time! 2. The obstetrician and assisting nurse that delivered me way back in 1976 also delivered my firstborn in the same hospital. 3. I'm left-handed. Extremely left-handed. 4. I auditioned to sing with Bill and Gloria Gaither when I was in the third grade. I didn't make the cut, but I got over it. 5. I'm double jointed yet not very flexible. 6. I play the flute and clarinet. 7. I will eat practically any food.
If you would like to participate, consider yourself tagged. Let me know if you post your seven things; I would like to read them! Also, it's not too late to enter my giveaway. :)


~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Friday, October 17, 2008
7 Things
I've been tagged by several of my blogging friends to do the "7 random things" meme. Well, here goes! 1. I was a Presidential Classroom Scholar when I was 15. I spent a week with some of America's brightest kids and met many of Washington's elite. It was an exciting time! 2. The obstetrician and assisting nurse that delivered me way back in 1976 also delivered my firstborn in the same hospital. 3. I'm left-handed. Extremely left-handed. 4. I auditioned to sing with Bill and Gloria Gaither when I was in the third grade. I didn't make the cut, but I got over it. 5. I'm double jointed yet not very flexible. 6. I play the flute and clarinet. 7. I will eat practically any food.
If you would like to participate, consider yourself tagged. Let me know if you post your seven things; I would like to read them! Also, it's not too late to enter my giveaway. :)


Blogger Arlene said...
I didn't know you were left-handed... I guess it's not something that is readily noticeable while blogging, though, LOL! I'm left-handed, too. Although, only in writing. I do pretty much everything else as a righty -- catching or throwing a ball, holding my fork, cutting with a knife, etc.

I just posted my 7 things yesterday, so I guess this really is going around the bloggy world! :o)

Blogger Rachel Smith said...
Hey! Thanks for stopping in on my blog! I see that we have a mutual friend - The Sikorski Family. I was tagged by her also. It is funny that we ran across each other through the KJV blog and not hers. It's a small world. Nice to meet you. We both also have a pastor hubby and four little ones.

Enjoy your day!

Blogger Missy said...
you have lead an exciting life :) thanks for sharing!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
These are always fun to read. (o:

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