My handsome hubby made a trip late this afternoon to pick up another truckload of mulch. Hopefully this will be all that we need to finish up the front side of the house.
Our pond is in need of major repair. When the original owners installed the liner, they used one that was too small and really stretched it out. Over the last few years the liner has deteriorated to the point where the whole thing now needs to be replaced. We're hoping to have the pond looking lovely again in the near future.
While my handsome hubby worked in the front yard, I helped out by spreading pine straw around the back side of the house.
There was one bail left to start on the area around the schoolhouse. We need about 15 more bails to finish the rest of the beds. Having grown up in Florida surrounded by pine trees I never thought I would see the day that we would pay good money for pine straw!
Dewey spent the afternoon supervising the yardwork. He is such a sweet dog!
After finishing up in the yard I headed back inside to work. I thoroughly swept the wood floors and then mopped them. They will look bright and shiny...for a couple of days. It doesn't take long for six people and three pets to track footprints and dirt into the house.
I have finally grown tired of the bunnies and the other spring decorations that have been displayed thoughout the house for the last several weeks. Most all of them have now been boxed up. I now have just a few simple things on the mantle and foyer table. The simple look is much easier on the eyes.
Our entertainment center also got a good dusting and all the videos were staightened up. Usually this job belongs to one of the kids, but today it needed a thorough cleaning.
The dining room was decluttered as well. I added this cute birdhouse table runner that I recently picked up at a yard sale for $2. Don't you just love a bargain?
My least pleasant task of the day was cleaning the toilets. This is usually Mickey's job (his future wife will thank me), but I felt like getting it done quickly while on this marathon cleaning spree.
Lest you think that I am a super-organized, got-it-all-together girl, don't be fooled. I didn't do any individual teaching today or spend time playing with my kiddos. I did spend the evening enjoying their company and reading Farmer Boy to them. Days like this aren't the norm for us. You'll also notice that there are no pictures of tidy bedrooms being posted. That's the next thing on my to-do list. Maybe I should put up some pictures of them in their current condition for some accountablility...or not!
Unfortunately, by the time all of the rooms are picture perfect, it's time to start all over again. But I really don't want a spotless house; that would mean that my children don't live here. :)
Labels: Daily Life, Keeping the Home