Winter Wonderland Dream Come True

I saw snow!! For the first time--EVER!! Can you tell that I am excited about it? The picture in my last post was of Mr. C's attempt to write the date on the windshield of the truck. He gave up after his typo. :)

Now, for those of you who have lived in a place where snow is a common occurrence, you won't understand what a big deal this was for me. Having lived in Florida for all but the last couple of years of my life, s-n-o-w was not in my vocabulary. When I was a teenager I visited the mountains a couple of times during the winter months, but I never saw snow. Last year we took a little trip hoping to see some, but the weather didn't cooperate.

On New Year's morning, Mr. C suggested that we pack a couple of bags and head up the road a ways in search of snow. According to the weather forecast, it was a sure thing. I quickly threw some warm clothes together (as quickly as you can do for six people), called the pet sitter to see if she would accommodate us on short notice, and hurriedly went over some school lessons with the kids. We headed off just before lunchtime.

It took us about 2 1/2 hours driving time to reach our hotel. We enjoyed a feast at the restaurant there. So much for starting out the year with a healthy meal. I enjoyed every bite of fried chicken, fried okra, black-eyed peas, and strawberry cobbler with ice cream. :)

As we headed back to our room, we were hopeful that these clouds held snow.

We spent the evening in our room watching a Twilight Zone marathon. Since we don't watch T.V. at our house, this was a real treat for the kids. Mickey and Bookworm were clinging to one another and squeezing hands during the "Mannequin" episode. I took this picture to show them the next time they're unkind to one another just to prove that they really do love each other. :)
After we got the kids to bed, Mr. C peeked out the door. This was what he saw.
I was jumping up and down and ran outside- in my jammies- to have my picture taken in the snow. No, you don't get to see that one. ;)

We awoke to this.
There was enough snow for everything to look lovely, but not enough to really play with. So, we hopped in the 'Burban and headed just over the state line into North Carolina to some property owned by friends. Here are some pictures from our playtime atop Cold Mountain.

We played a bit longer than planned, so Mr. C had to drive very fast carefully for us to make it home in time for our mid-week church service. We made it back with an hour to spare.

Was my little snow experience everything I hoped it would be? Definitely!!

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~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Thursday, January 03, 2008
Winter Wonderland Dream Come True
I saw snow!! For the first time--EVER!! Can you tell that I am excited about it? The picture in my last post was of Mr. C's attempt to write the date on the windshield of the truck. He gave up after his typo. :)

Now, for those of you who have lived in a place where snow is a common occurrence, you won't understand what a big deal this was for me. Having lived in Florida for all but the last couple of years of my life, s-n-o-w was not in my vocabulary. When I was a teenager I visited the mountains a couple of times during the winter months, but I never saw snow. Last year we took a little trip hoping to see some, but the weather didn't cooperate.

On New Year's morning, Mr. C suggested that we pack a couple of bags and head up the road a ways in search of snow. According to the weather forecast, it was a sure thing. I quickly threw some warm clothes together (as quickly as you can do for six people), called the pet sitter to see if she would accommodate us on short notice, and hurriedly went over some school lessons with the kids. We headed off just before lunchtime.

It took us about 2 1/2 hours driving time to reach our hotel. We enjoyed a feast at the restaurant there. So much for starting out the year with a healthy meal. I enjoyed every bite of fried chicken, fried okra, black-eyed peas, and strawberry cobbler with ice cream. :)

As we headed back to our room, we were hopeful that these clouds held snow.

We spent the evening in our room watching a Twilight Zone marathon. Since we don't watch T.V. at our house, this was a real treat for the kids. Mickey and Bookworm were clinging to one another and squeezing hands during the "Mannequin" episode. I took this picture to show them the next time they're unkind to one another just to prove that they really do love each other. :)
After we got the kids to bed, Mr. C peeked out the door. This was what he saw.
I was jumping up and down and ran outside- in my jammies- to have my picture taken in the snow. No, you don't get to see that one. ;)

We awoke to this.
There was enough snow for everything to look lovely, but not enough to really play with. So, we hopped in the 'Burban and headed just over the state line into North Carolina to some property owned by friends. Here are some pictures from our playtime atop Cold Mountain.

We played a bit longer than planned, so Mr. C had to drive very fast carefully for us to make it home in time for our mid-week church service. We made it back with an hour to spare.

Was my little snow experience everything I hoped it would be? Definitely!!

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Blogger Unknown said...
Wow! I never would have guessed that was it. I grew up in snow, but have lived here 16 1/2 yrs so it has been a very long time. And our youngest has never seen it. I know he'd be just as excited as you were.

Yay! That is so much fun. And I loved the pictures, especially the one of you and Mr. C. Sweet!!

Blogger Mommy said...
I had to laugh about the Twilight Zone marathon! My husband has almost made it a yearly tradition since we have been engaged.

We don't have cable either, but somehow we are always at someone's house during New Years that has cable and stay up late watching these shows.

We were on our way back from Michigan this year, and stayed at my sisters house. I was so tired from traveling and such, that I fell asleep after about two of them. ;-)

So glad you got to experience the snow.

Once, when I was a little girl about six, we had a major snow storm hit Woodstock GA. It was enough to play in and call of school. Since then, I haven't played in snow for a long time either.

So when the snow came to Michigan we were pretty excited also.

I enjoyed looking at all your pictures. :)

Blogger akconklin said...
Awwww, Mrs. C! How nice for you! I'm so glad you were able to have this wonderful day and enjoy the beautiful snow up there in Canaan Land! (One of our greatest family vacations EVER!)

Thanks for sharing the pics! They were wonderful, especially the last one!

Sorry I missed you at church. My mom was sick so Isaac and I stayed home with her that night. Maybe next holiday!!!


Blogger Mishel said...
Awww...I am so happy for you!! I *love* snow!!

I loved all your pictures too! Especially the one of you and Mr. C!! : ) And I laughed at y'all watching the Twilight Zone marathon--that's a New Year's Day highlight here at our house!

Blessings to you!

Blogger Susan said...
I love it! I can't imagine never seeing snow, but I grew up in upstate SC where we got it very occasionally. So I've seen it, but usually not much at a time! LOL

I'm so glad you got to enjoy some. How sweet of your honey to take you up to play in it, especially on a Wednesday. Pastor's wife that I am, I know how sacred church days are! :)

Blogger Paula said...
Hopefully your son won't have to wait as long as I did to see it. ;)

I enjoyed seeing your snow pics, too.

I missed getting to see you; maybe next time around. ;)

I wasn't a TZ fan growing up, but my hubby was, so it's rubbed off on me.

Yes, my hubby is a super-wonderful guy. I'm just glad the snow came in the middle of the week instead of on the weekend. He couldn't have taken us then. Saturdays are busy days for preachers. ;)

Blogger United Studies said...
Oh I am so happy for you! And I think I just found a new vacation spot. It looks beautiful there!

Blogger momofmhasr said...
That is funny! I am sitting here looking at 3-4 feet of snow in some places. ;) Feel free to drop by anytime! But just as you longed to see snoe, I have never seen a palm tree in person, I think that would be neat! It got so cold here -20 not sure how to convert to "American" ;) our water started to freeze this morning.

Blogger Paula said...
It was such a beautful day!

Although I loved my first snow experience, I don't thing I would enjoy living through a Canadian winter. You guys really have it rough up there. ;)

Blogger Jessica said...
LOL!! I grew up in California, so I had never been in snow either. But now living in Canada we have snow on the ground from November-March. I'm so glad your family had such a wonderful time!
God Bless

Blogger Wendi said...
So glad you got to experience snow! Not only snow, but falling snow. I think falling snow is one of the most beautiful sights!

Blogger Cherish the Home said...
Looks like y'all had lots of fun! (o:

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow! You and your kids got to see your first snow at the same time.
That property is beautiful. Any sleds?
Did your kids actually sleep after watching the Twilight zone?
Have a great new year! Sounds like you are off to a good start.

Blogger Sharon said...
Mrs. C,
We've been here in Ga for 10 years and still get excited when we get even the least little bit of snow. We had some patches of it at our house. :-)

Blogger Susan P. said...
I can't even imagine how exciting that must have been for you, Mrs. C. The pictures are absolutely beautiful and the smiles on everybody's face says it all:o)

Blogger Sis. Julie said...
How beautiful that looks!! I want some snow!! sniff...sniff!!

Glad y'all got to see some and play in some too.

Blogger Missy said...
i loved your pictures and excitement over seeing snow for the first time :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am so happy for you that you were able to experience snow for the first time! THere is nothing like a good snowfall that covers your car! Now that is SNOW! We haven't had a real good snowstorm in a couple of years, but it sure would be nice to have a real dumping of snow, just once this year!

Hope you are having a blessed day!

~ Kim (momofneb from VUH)
P.S. Thank you for the Christmas card!

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