Snippets From Our Day

This morning we awoke to find that yesterday's snow had melted. The remains of our poor little snowmen proved that it wasn't all a dream. The children and I were slow-going this morning. We stayed in our jammies a little bit later than we usually do and chatted together over cups of hot cocoa.

After the day's lessons were finished we headed to town for Bookworm's weekly piano lesson. The other three kids and I spent a little while browsing in the local thrift shop while we waited for her. Everything in the store was 1/2 off. I spent around $10 on several books for our schoolhouse library, a jar candle holder, 3 classical music cd's, 2 brand new Easter baskets, and a couple of old Disney movies.

By the time we got home, it was time for afternoon chores and dinner prep. Curly Girl was my kitchen helper today. She made her first batch of corn muffins all by herself (except for Mommy helping with the oven). While I was supervising her, Lil' Nut decided to clean the kitchen cabinets. She said, "Mommy, I'm cleaning 'cause I'm the scullery maid." I kid you not. You can tell she has brother who loves to play pirates. :)

We enjoyed a filling supper of pinto beans with rice and Curly Girl's corn muffins to warm us up tonight. I used a big ham bone to add flavor to the beans. They simmered away on the back of the stove all day. My kids love pinto beans. I didn't bother to tell them that beans are inexpensive and high in protein. :)
After supper cleanup the kids entertained me with their new robot costumes. The boxes from Mickey's birthday presents were still scattered around the house, so he used them to make robot parts. Lil' Nut must have found a Christmas stocking that didn't make it back up into the attic. :)
My hubby is out of state for a couple of days attending a Bible conference, so I planned ahead and checked out the DVD of Jane Austen's Persuasion to watch tonight. Methinks a cup of cocoa and a snuggly blanket will join me. :)

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~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Snippets From Our Day
This morning we awoke to find that yesterday's snow had melted. The remains of our poor little snowmen proved that it wasn't all a dream. The children and I were slow-going this morning. We stayed in our jammies a little bit later than we usually do and chatted together over cups of hot cocoa.

After the day's lessons were finished we headed to town for Bookworm's weekly piano lesson. The other three kids and I spent a little while browsing in the local thrift shop while we waited for her. Everything in the store was 1/2 off. I spent around $10 on several books for our schoolhouse library, a jar candle holder, 3 classical music cd's, 2 brand new Easter baskets, and a couple of old Disney movies.

By the time we got home, it was time for afternoon chores and dinner prep. Curly Girl was my kitchen helper today. She made her first batch of corn muffins all by herself (except for Mommy helping with the oven). While I was supervising her, Lil' Nut decided to clean the kitchen cabinets. She said, "Mommy, I'm cleaning 'cause I'm the scullery maid." I kid you not. You can tell she has brother who loves to play pirates. :)

We enjoyed a filling supper of pinto beans with rice and Curly Girl's corn muffins to warm us up tonight. I used a big ham bone to add flavor to the beans. They simmered away on the back of the stove all day. My kids love pinto beans. I didn't bother to tell them that beans are inexpensive and high in protein. :)
After supper cleanup the kids entertained me with their new robot costumes. The boxes from Mickey's birthday presents were still scattered around the house, so he used them to make robot parts. Lil' Nut must have found a Christmas stocking that didn't make it back up into the attic. :)
My hubby is out of state for a couple of days attending a Bible conference, so I planned ahead and checked out the DVD of Jane Austen's Persuasion to watch tonight. Methinks a cup of cocoa and a snuggly blanket will join me. :)

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Blogger Kelli said...
Scullery maid...that is too cute! I loved getting a peek into your day, Mrs. C! It looks like everyone had a wonderful time together. Enjoy your cozy evening with Jane. :0)

Blogger Missy said...
what a nice day! enjoy your movie and cocoa.....


Blogger Susan said...
Looks like a nice day. I got a giggle out of "scullery maid!" ;) And beans . . . my husband loves them, and I hate them. But I have a big ham bone for Christmas that's about to go into a big pot of beans, probably Saturday.

Blogger Mrs. M said...
I love it when I have control of the clicker :)

Your kids are so fun and creative. You had a great day. Isn't homeschooing the best for things like that. Impromptu fun and learning.

Oh, and Lil'Nut can come to my house. I need a scullery maid! What a riot!!

Blogger Tori Leslie said...
Sounds like a nice day. Dinner looks good and the movie sounds great! *Ü*

Blogger Karen said...
Oh, your pictures brought back a flood of memories of when our older two girls were little. (one of our girls wore my half slip on her head ~ I think she was acting like she was Mary ~ LOL!)
We like pintos and cornbread here, too. Good ole southern cookin' at its finest.

Blogger Mrs. Darling said...
Cute pics. I love beans and ham.

I would also love to watch that movie with you!

Blogger Mommy said...
LOL about the maid! Kids are just too funny!

I told Sweetie one time that I had to run errands all day long and to come inside the house. (She was outside playing)

She came over to me, and touched me gently on the arm and said, "Are you "expecting" us to go with you?"

And you really don't need toys when you have *boxes* around don't you! ;-)

Tell curly girl great job with the muffins. They look delicious!

Blogger Mommy said...
Oh, I thought I would add that PBS is running a Jane Austin *marathon* Sunday nights at 9:00 here. They have a movie of each of her novels. Last week it was Persuasion. I can't remember what next week will be.

I don't know if you can record it or not if you get home late from church.

Blogger Paula said...
Thanks for the PBS tip, but we don't have TV. I have to settle for DVDs from the library. Hopefully someone will post the new ones on YouTube soon. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi Mrs. C,
I just had to laugh when I seen the term scullery maid. My dh does the supper dishes in our home and that is what he calls himself. LOL

Blogger Unknown said...
Thanks for sharing the cute photos. How was the movie and cocoa?

Blogger Kristi said...
Very cute costumes. I fixed pintos this week too, turning them into chili also. By the way, my mother in law has that same dish pattern.

We're expecting more snow, how 'bout y'all?


Blogger United Studies said...
Yummm....that looks like a delicious meal! Sorta like what my grandma used to make...not that I am calling you old. :-0

Blogger Missy said...
hi it's missy again.......i received my dvd today! i'll let you know when we watch it :)


Blogger ~~Deby said...
What darling pictures...mmmm...I love pintos and rice...grew up eating them..for a treat my mom would brown up a bit of ground beef and maybe even onions and add them to the pot....delicious...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I served beans tonight - and I had one kid eating them one at a time and drinking a gulp of water with every bite. Makes me crazy! I love them!

Blogger Jen in Budapest said...
So i highly recommend the Love Comes Softly series. Also a wonderful DVD series more about the wild west but wonderful nonetheless...I just recently blogged about it.

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