I spent one thousand bucks today

I thought that might get your attention. :) Yes, it's true.

Sunday morning as I was eating breakfast, I lost part of a tooth. I've had a filling in that molar for 25 years; my tooth decided it was too weak to handle that big filling any longer. I haven't been to the dentist since after child #2 was born, and he just turned 8. I spent yesterday checking out a few dentists and finally made an appointment with one whose website really impressed me. I know one of the hygienists who works there, so that made me feel a bit more confident.

Today I went to the dentist, spent an hour in that dreaded chair, and had a temporary crown bonded. When I went to the receptionist's desk to pay and schedule my next appointment, she told me that today's visit was $998. I thought maybe I didn't hear her right, perhaps as a result of the numbness in my head. I said, "Oood-u-eese-epeet-at?" My mouth was really numb, so let me interpret that for you. "Could you please repeat that?" Without blinking an eyelash she said, "$998." I just about fell flat on the floor.

Oh, how I wish we had dental insurance! Instead of crying on the ride home, believe me- I thought about it, I decided to count my blessings instead.

* The dentist's office was by far the nicest I've ever been to. The waiting room looked like a picture from BH&G, and I had a flat-screened TV right in front of my face in the chair so that I could watch FOX News while the dentist drilled away. Maybe that's what a big chunk of my $998 is going towards.

* The office manager graciously allowed me to pay 1/2 of the amount today and the rest on my return visit.

* As the dentist was examining my tooth, another piece broke off. I'm thankful that I was able to get an appointment quickly before more damage was done.

* I haven't had any pain at all. It could have been much worse.

* I was super impressed with the dentist. He is a Christian and has been a dentist for 35 years. I felt like I was in good hands.

* The Lord provided the money for today's payment. I know He'll provide the rest when the time comes to pay it.

The Lord's going to teach me something as a result of this experience (besides the importance of taking care of my teeth). :)

Maybe it's trusting Him to provide for our needs.

Maybe it's not worrying over things I can't control.

Maybe it's the importance of being a good steward.

Whatever it is, I just hope it doesn't involve too many more hours in the dentist's chair.

ETA: Ladies, thank you all for your sweet, encouraging comments. I feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one who puts off the inevitable, unpleasant tasks.

I have more to rejoice about; I'm not experiencing any jaw pain today. The dentist thought that I would since I had to keep my mouth open for so long yesterday. I guess he didn't know that my jaw gets lots of exercise on a daily basis. :)

Image from here.


~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I spent one thousand bucks today

I thought that might get your attention. :) Yes, it's true.

Sunday morning as I was eating breakfast, I lost part of a tooth. I've had a filling in that molar for 25 years; my tooth decided it was too weak to handle that big filling any longer. I haven't been to the dentist since after child #2 was born, and he just turned 8. I spent yesterday checking out a few dentists and finally made an appointment with one whose website really impressed me. I know one of the hygienists who works there, so that made me feel a bit more confident.

Today I went to the dentist, spent an hour in that dreaded chair, and had a temporary crown bonded. When I went to the receptionist's desk to pay and schedule my next appointment, she told me that today's visit was $998. I thought maybe I didn't hear her right, perhaps as a result of the numbness in my head. I said, "Oood-u-eese-epeet-at?" My mouth was really numb, so let me interpret that for you. "Could you please repeat that?" Without blinking an eyelash she said, "$998." I just about fell flat on the floor.

Oh, how I wish we had dental insurance! Instead of crying on the ride home, believe me- I thought about it, I decided to count my blessings instead.

* The dentist's office was by far the nicest I've ever been to. The waiting room looked like a picture from BH&G, and I had a flat-screened TV right in front of my face in the chair so that I could watch FOX News while the dentist drilled away. Maybe that's what a big chunk of my $998 is going towards.

* The office manager graciously allowed me to pay 1/2 of the amount today and the rest on my return visit.

* As the dentist was examining my tooth, another piece broke off. I'm thankful that I was able to get an appointment quickly before more damage was done.

* I haven't had any pain at all. It could have been much worse.

* I was super impressed with the dentist. He is a Christian and has been a dentist for 35 years. I felt like I was in good hands.

* The Lord provided the money for today's payment. I know He'll provide the rest when the time comes to pay it.

The Lord's going to teach me something as a result of this experience (besides the importance of taking care of my teeth). :)

Maybe it's trusting Him to provide for our needs.

Maybe it's not worrying over things I can't control.

Maybe it's the importance of being a good steward.

Whatever it is, I just hope it doesn't involve too many more hours in the dentist's chair.

ETA: Ladies, thank you all for your sweet, encouraging comments. I feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one who puts off the inevitable, unpleasant tasks.

I have more to rejoice about; I'm not experiencing any jaw pain today. The dentist thought that I would since I had to keep my mouth open for so long yesterday. I guess he didn't know that my jaw gets lots of exercise on a daily basis. :)

Image from here.


Blogger Mrs. Darling said...
Wow! We have Kaiser Dental and only pay 10 dollars for that stuff. Thank God you had the money!

Blogger Susan P. said...
Oh Mrs. C, you have NO idea how much I feel your pain. I was in the dentist chair today, as well. I have one tooth that needs root canal, crown, etc...... Total cost would be $910.00! I, too, almost fell flat on the floor, but I do feel fortunate that they are going to let me put half down and then pay in three monthly installments. Maybe you could ask if they do that sort of thing, I know we wouldn't have that much money all at one time. I also need to tell you that I think your attitude is so wonderful about the situation! Too bad we didn't live closer because after our apts. we could have gone out and "slurped" some soup from a straw;o)

Blogger Paula said...
Mrs. Darling,
How wonderful that you have a great dental plan!


I'm glad you can feel my pain! :) The three month plan sounds great, but my dentist wants full payment by the time I get the crown. My appointment is only a few weeks away, but I'm trusting that the need will be supplied! I hope your dental ordeal isn't too painful. :)

Blogger Mommy said...
(((((Mrs. C.!))))

Sorry that you had to spend that much. I also need to go the Dentist. I haven't been in seven years. I dread going.

I am glad you are thanking the Lord for spending that money. At least it wasn't a speeding ticket or something! ;-)

Blogger Mrs. M said...
They say you get what you pay for. So you should have a very nice crown :)

Not fun to be surprised by this at a bad time. Thank goodness all is well.

Blogger Sonya said...
I can also feel your pain. I've had to have this done recently and it cost me about the same. We don't have dental insurance either. It's tough to pay that kind of money but my dentist tells me all the time that it's better to save our real teeth than have to rely on false ones! I hope everything turns out well for you!

Blogger akconklin said...
Oh, my, Mrs. C! I'm so sorry for your ordeal today. And of course, by "ordeal" I mean forking over that money, not visiting the dentist!!!!!

I hope Mr. C was sitting down when you shared your "news" with him. Goodness!

I'll be asking the Lord for Divine provision for the need.


Blogger Kristi said...
Your post was a blessing, Mrs. C, seeing how you responded to what happened. Yes, you could have cried and worried and wrung your hands. But you handled it the way a child of God SHOULD handle it. That was a great testimony and I'm glad you shared it!


Blogger Kristi said...
OH! And one more thing...I chose my dentist because his slogan was "We cater to cowards." Coward...that's me! But he ended up being a Christian also and my kids love him to death.


Blogger Jennwith4 said...
Ouch! For the tooth and the cost! We don't have any insurance either but I know God will be looking out for us no matter what comes.

Blogger United Studies said...
WOW. That is a lot! I would be shocked, too. You amaze me that even after paying that much, you can find blessings all around you.

Blogger Jessica said...
I can totally feel your pain! Right after we got on the field I ended up needing a root canal. You are stonger than I am, I cried for a few days for having to spend $1500 on my mouth. I think we should encourage our kids to be dentists, they make a killing!!

God Bless

Blogger Arlene said...
Oh, my, Mrs. C! I haven't been to the dentist since before I was pregnant with Caleb. At overseas bases, dependents are able to go on-base to the dental clinic, but stateside, only the active-duty member is allowed to go. The family members have to pay a monthly amount and get a referral to go off-base... which we haven't yet done because it's not quite in the budget... of course, after reading your post, I'm thinking that we should probably get on it. I've had a tooth that's sort of been bugging me, and I certainly don't want it to get worse and have to pay $1,000! :O Praise the Lord for providing the money and a lesson for you!!! :)

Blogger Arlene said...
Oh, and I meant to say (as if my last comment wasn't long enough already), every time I have tried to get on here and leave a comment (to the last few posts), something has come up and I've had to get off of the computer! But, I promise I have been reading, and I really didn't mean to be a lurker! :~)

Blogger Wendi said...
Oh my! I think I would have just about fallen on the floor also. I was told I need a crown last summer and still have not gotten it done. It will cost us $300 and that is with dental insurance. Not nearly as steep as your bill, but it is hard to let that amount of money go.

You are a great example of showing how not to worry and just trust that the Lord will meet our needs!

Blogger Charlotte said...
I was a pastor's wife for almost 50 years. We're retired now. I could relate to your anxiety about your dental costs. We always had health insurance but we paid for it ourselves. We never had dental insurance, but like you, God always provided. Both of our kids had braces. That cost big bucks, but the Lord provided. Reading your blog today brought back memories.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi Mrs. C
Oh I can related. I put off going to the densist for a long time and I had some intense work done last year, Now I go every 3 months and keep my teeth up. I am blessed with good insurance.

Blogger Kelli said...
I have been having some work done on my mouth too...and have to admit crying on the way home more than once. I put off going to the dentist for many years and am now paying for it..literally ! LOL
I'm glad your jaw hasn't been sore today!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow Mrs C! I think I would have passed out right there on the floor! Praise the Lord that we have medical/dental insurance!!!! I know the Lord will provide the money when you need it!

~ Kim (VUH)

Blogger Sharon said...
I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I admit that my cleaning is way overdue (has it been 2 years already?).
Hope you are feeling much better!

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