Beauty Bargains

I like to spend one-on-one time with each of my kids whenever I can. Finding that special time is challenging. Today it was Lil' Nuts turn to spend some time with me. What do mothers and daughters like to do together? Shop.

There's a town about 25 miles away that has a very small mall. A small mall is better than no mall at all. I decided to pop in to B*th & B*dy W*rks to see if they had any clearance items left. I hit paydirt. Thankfully I still had some spending money left that I received for Christmas.

I've been running low on facial skin care products, so I decided to try a few items that were 75% off from the Pure Simplicity line. I can't wait to use the pumpkin mask. It smells good enough to eat--like pumpkin pie without the cinnamon.

I picked these up for $1 each. The scent is Enchanted Orchid, which I like even though I'm not into flowery scents. They'll make great gifts for our next ladies' fellowship at church.

I was able to stock up on soap and hand sanitizer for the kids. I don't buy the good stuff unless it's on sale. These ended up costing about $1.25 each. Not bad. I think we have enough soap now to last a month or two.

Lil' Nut got to pick out something special from the 75% off table. She's been begging for a bath ever since.

Lil' Nut and I enjoyed lunch together at her favorite restaurant (the one that has the cows encouraging you to eat more chicken). We finished our errands and headed home.

There's nothing quite like a mommy/daughter date with a charming 3 year old to finish off a great week.

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~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Friday, January 04, 2008
Beauty Bargains
I like to spend one-on-one time with each of my kids whenever I can. Finding that special time is challenging. Today it was Lil' Nuts turn to spend some time with me. What do mothers and daughters like to do together? Shop.

There's a town about 25 miles away that has a very small mall. A small mall is better than no mall at all. I decided to pop in to B*th & B*dy W*rks to see if they had any clearance items left. I hit paydirt. Thankfully I still had some spending money left that I received for Christmas.

I've been running low on facial skin care products, so I decided to try a few items that were 75% off from the Pure Simplicity line. I can't wait to use the pumpkin mask. It smells good enough to eat--like pumpkin pie without the cinnamon.

I picked these up for $1 each. The scent is Enchanted Orchid, which I like even though I'm not into flowery scents. They'll make great gifts for our next ladies' fellowship at church.

I was able to stock up on soap and hand sanitizer for the kids. I don't buy the good stuff unless it's on sale. These ended up costing about $1.25 each. Not bad. I think we have enough soap now to last a month or two.

Lil' Nut got to pick out something special from the 75% off table. She's been begging for a bath ever since.

Lil' Nut and I enjoyed lunch together at her favorite restaurant (the one that has the cows encouraging you to eat more chicken). We finished our errands and headed home.

There's nothing quite like a mommy/daughter date with a charming 3 year old to finish off a great week.

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Blogger Unknown said...
I need to head over there. Those are some good bargains.

And tell Lil Nut that I love that restaurant too! They have the best fries.

Blogger Susan P. said...
It sounds like you ladies had a wonderful day together and you spent it at one of my favorite places!! As you know I am also the Mom of a daughter and do you know what the best part is? This special time is something that you and lil nut will look forward to for many, many years to come! Miss Bonnie and I did it when she was a little girl and we still do it to this day. Moms and daughters have such a special bond. It's the best, I'll tell you:o)

Blogger Sis. Julie said...
I absolutely love that store!! I went in there in December and they told me to come back in January that they were going to have an awesome sale. I guess now is the time. I love the Juniper Breeze scent though. They had discontinued it they told me but they said they are bringing it back this year. So I need to get over there and check it out!! Thanks for the tip!!

You found some awesome deals too!!

Blogger Kristi said...
I think it's great you have the one on one time. They'll never forget that.

I'll definitely be making a stop to B&BW tomorrow!! Great deals, huh?


Blogger momofmhasr said...
I have never seen that store or the products. All I hear is good though they don't have any stores up in Canada. Oh well some day I will see some. I too love the smell of pumpkin.

Blogger Paula said...
Have you checked their website to see if you can order online and have it shipped to Canada? I wonder how expensive the shipping charges would be.

Blogger United Studies said...
Your BABW's has better bargains than ours! I love that shop.

Blogger Jessica said...
I love that store! They don't have it in Canada though, so it one that I hit up whenever I'm down. Sounds like a lovely date, so glad you had a nice day.


Blogger Mrs. Darling said...
Aaaa! How sweet. Theres nothing like time spent with out kids!

Great bargains!

Blogger Mrs. Julie Fink said...
What a precious day. Thanks for sharing.

P.S. How do you like their facial products line?

Blogger Paula said...
This is the first time that I have used the Pure Simplicity facial products. I will use them for a few days and let you know what I think. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi Mrs C, so good to see you over at my blog! Sounds like you had a lovely time with Lil' Nut :)

Hope you have a great weekend.

Blogger Faith said...
OHHHH! I LOVE that shop! It is where I buy all our hand soaps for all 3 sinks in the house. My absolute fave is the honeysuckle. And I like the lemon for the kitchen. I think perhaps I will dash over there Monday after work and pick up some stuff. and enjoy every single mother daughter date. I too (with both girls but separately) do "Dates" with them, typically shopping or art museums, My hubby also does dates with them which usually involves a nature walk, sledding or museums and dinner out. It makes wonderful memories!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi Mrs. C,
i love finding a bargain. I love the snow pictures. We don't get snow where we live either. It has been a bit cool this week.

Blogger Mishel said...
What a fun and special day with your daughter!

I'm interested too, in what you think of B&BW's skincare line. :)


Blogger Jodi said...
Oh, that sound like a fun mom/daughter outing. Love that pink ducky! :o)

Blogger momofmhasr said...
I am going to have to check, I have a friend from Maine who know lives here with her hubby and her mom gasve her all kinds of the B&B stuff. Now I get to smell it ;)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What finds!!! Congrats! My daughters LOVE the American Girl series. They smell so soft and feminine!

Blogger Jennwith4 said...
How fun! I love sales and BaBW

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