Sharing the Gospel

It's been a busy week around our house. We've been hosting two missionary families and having church services each night during our Missions Conference. Our hearts were stirred as we listened to the missionaries share about their ministries. There is such a need for the gospel all around the world!

One of the visiting missionaries has some severe health problems and is no longer able to serve on the foreign field. This man is in tremendous pain 24 hours a day and has to take several medications just to function, yet I never once heard him complain. He cheerfully went out soul winning each day he was here. When we took him out to eat at restaurants, he never failed to hand a tract to the server or invite a cashier to our church services. I have to admit, I felt a little bit ashamed of myself as I observed him. Often I'm so focused on my errands when I'm out and about that I neglect to invite folks to church or hand them a gospel tract. Sometimes I just lack the courage. With the Lord's help I'm going to make more of an effort to reach out to people that I come into contact with as I go about my daily tasks.

I tried to do that today as I ran a few errands. I had mentioned our church's Reformer's Unanimous ministry to one of the stylists at the hair salon on my last visit, and today I took her a poster and several brochures for her to give to some people she knew were in need of such a program. I was also able to give her a gospel tract. These are simple things that take just a few extra moments, but they can make a tremendous difference in someone's life.

Are there some people you come in contact with on a regular basis that you can reach out to? Ask the Lord to put people in your path to whom you can be a witness.

~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sharing the Gospel

It's been a busy week around our house. We've been hosting two missionary families and having church services each night during our Missions Conference. Our hearts were stirred as we listened to the missionaries share about their ministries. There is such a need for the gospel all around the world!

One of the visiting missionaries has some severe health problems and is no longer able to serve on the foreign field. This man is in tremendous pain 24 hours a day and has to take several medications just to function, yet I never once heard him complain. He cheerfully went out soul winning each day he was here. When we took him out to eat at restaurants, he never failed to hand a tract to the server or invite a cashier to our church services. I have to admit, I felt a little bit ashamed of myself as I observed him. Often I'm so focused on my errands when I'm out and about that I neglect to invite folks to church or hand them a gospel tract. Sometimes I just lack the courage. With the Lord's help I'm going to make more of an effort to reach out to people that I come into contact with as I go about my daily tasks.

I tried to do that today as I ran a few errands. I had mentioned our church's Reformer's Unanimous ministry to one of the stylists at the hair salon on my last visit, and today I took her a poster and several brochures for her to give to some people she knew were in need of such a program. I was also able to give her a gospel tract. These are simple things that take just a few extra moments, but they can make a tremendous difference in someone's life.

Are there some people you come in contact with on a regular basis that you can reach out to? Ask the Lord to put people in your path to whom you can be a witness.


Blogger Cherish the Home said...
I used to be so good at handing out tracts or leaving them where ever I went. I've kind of gotten out of the habit.

Thanks for the reminder...And yes, the man you mentioned puts most of us to shame!


Blogger ~~Deby said...
I have met a evangelist that teaches/preaches in pain (Bro. Sam Gipp)...and boy what a ministry....yes...I need to get better at tracts...I can go for awhile and always put them out there..then RUN out of them in my purse..and forget...thanks for the reminder...I needed it that is for sure.....Looking for that blessed hope.

Blogger Mommy said...
I am a pure whimp! I had a terrible cold today,(I think I am on the mend). It is hard to believe and imagine when someone lives in chronic pain like that. I always know that I am going to feel better soon.

What an example to us, huh?

As a side note, did you know that my Sister In Law started a blog? Her's is listed in my blog roll. Did you know that they are planning on being missionaries to Canada? They also have their first baby.

Well, I need to go to bed! :)

Blogger Unknown said...
Those simple things you mentioned it what it takes for all of us to do in our individual circles of influence. God's Word will not return void.
What a wonderful testimony of this dear saint who goes about doing good even though in awful pain. Shame on me!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great post and great point!

Blogger Jessica said...
Amen!! Great post--

God Bless

Blogger Faith said...
Awesome post. Thank you for the reminders that we are to be lights in this world. It is sometimes those little things, like handing someone a brochure, tract, inviting them to a church program, that gets the seeds started! God bless you and if I don't get back here before next week, have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Blogger Cherish the Home said...
Mrs. C,

I wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!


Blogger United Studies said...
Thank you for the reminder!

Blogger Sis. Julie said...
I have to say that each time I pray that the Lord give me an opportunity to be a witness to someone today that He is faithful to do so. Either it is when I'm out and about or if I don't go anywhere....there is always a phone call that will come (from out of nowhere it seems) that gives me opportunity to be a witness for the Lord. God is faithful to do as we ask when it is according to His will. I believe sharing the gospel is His will....don't you? Good post and very convicting!!

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