I'm Outnumbered

Yesterday Mr. C decided to take the girls (Brother is still vacationing with his grandparents) on a fun outing. I was tempted to stay home and tackle a mountain of ironing but decided that I'd rather have some fun with the family instead.

We went to the home of one of our church families. Mr. C had called ahead of time to see if we could visit Mama Cat Sally and her four little kittens. Bookworm and Curly Girl had both visited the kittens previously and were surprised to see that they have grown quite a bit over the last couple of weeks and are now the most playful little critters.

The two black kittens are males, and the striped kittens are females. They are Manx kittens, so two of them have little stubs instead of tails.

Mama Sally playing with her babies.

No kitten was safe in the arms of Lil' Nut. Poor kittens!

Bookworm got this little one to fall asleep.

Curly Girl would hold a kitten for about 2 seconds, then put it down and find another one to hold for 2 seconds. My impulsive child. :)

The girls had a wonderful time playing with the kittens. All of the kids (especially the girls) have been begging for a kitten for, well, forever. Mr. C really like these Manx cats, and he's had his dibs on one since the litter was born.

The plan, of course, is that the kitten will be the kids' responsibility.

Let me interpret that for you:

MOM will be asking, "Has anyone fed the cat?"

MOM will be breaking up fights between the cat and Buddy, our Schnauzer.

MOM will be pulling her nylons from the claws of cute kitty.

MOM will be brushing cat hair off of every garment she owns.

MOM will be scooping out the litter box.

MOM will be shooing the cat off of the leather couch.

MOM will be saying, "Don't pull the cat's tail!" Oh, I forgot--this cat doesn't have a tail.

So, what do you think? Should I throw up my hands in surrender with a smile on my face? Probably, because...

MOM will..........enjoy seeing the delight on her husband's and children's faces when THIS kitty comes home to live with us.

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~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Saturday, June 02, 2007
I'm Outnumbered
Yesterday Mr. C decided to take the girls (Brother is still vacationing with his grandparents) on a fun outing. I was tempted to stay home and tackle a mountain of ironing but decided that I'd rather have some fun with the family instead.

We went to the home of one of our church families. Mr. C had called ahead of time to see if we could visit Mama Cat Sally and her four little kittens. Bookworm and Curly Girl had both visited the kittens previously and were surprised to see that they have grown quite a bit over the last couple of weeks and are now the most playful little critters.

The two black kittens are males, and the striped kittens are females. They are Manx kittens, so two of them have little stubs instead of tails.

Mama Sally playing with her babies.

No kitten was safe in the arms of Lil' Nut. Poor kittens!

Bookworm got this little one to fall asleep.

Curly Girl would hold a kitten for about 2 seconds, then put it down and find another one to hold for 2 seconds. My impulsive child. :)

The girls had a wonderful time playing with the kittens. All of the kids (especially the girls) have been begging for a kitten for, well, forever. Mr. C really like these Manx cats, and he's had his dibs on one since the litter was born.

The plan, of course, is that the kitten will be the kids' responsibility.

Let me interpret that for you:

MOM will be asking, "Has anyone fed the cat?"

MOM will be breaking up fights between the cat and Buddy, our Schnauzer.

MOM will be pulling her nylons from the claws of cute kitty.

MOM will be brushing cat hair off of every garment she owns.

MOM will be scooping out the litter box.

MOM will be shooing the cat off of the leather couch.

MOM will be saying, "Don't pull the cat's tail!" Oh, I forgot--this cat doesn't have a tail.

So, what do you think? Should I throw up my hands in surrender with a smile on my face? Probably, because...

MOM will..........enjoy seeing the delight on her husband's and children's faces when THIS kitty comes home to live with us.

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Blogger Susan P. said...
Mrs. C, I think you already have!! LOL BTW, I loved the line where you said "don't pull the cat's tail and then remembered it didn't have one!" That gave me a great giggle this morning;o)

Blogger Jodi said...
Ah, those are some cute, happy wee faces! :o) Our home has always had at least one cat in it, and I bet Buddy is just longing for a pal! ;o)

Blogger Unknown said...
Very cute. Hard to say no to those faces. The kids I mean :)

It has been awhile since I have visited you too. Thank you for stopping by again. I am off to catch up with all you've been up to. Blessings!

Blogger Lyndy said...
How adorable. I am a kitty lover...dog lover too but partial to kittys. I have a 14 year old black Persian that is ALWAYS by my side and he rules the roost. ;)

Have a blessed day.


How sweet. My children beg me often for a kitty too. I just can't break down and do it yet though. Maybe one of these days ;)

Have a wonderful day!

Blogger Sis. Julie said...
Aaawwwww!! I love kittens!! I want one so badly but my husband said I can't. He isn't too fond of kitties and we already have the doggies so he said no kitties. I enjoyed seeing these adorable pictures. It only made me want a kitten even more...thanks Sis!!! LOL!!

Blogger Jennifer in MS said...
Aww.....I love cats!! We have a cat named Ella who is the easiest pet in the world! Now WE just gave in to a puppy!! The puppy and the cat have not made friends yet! Good luck with your new family member!

Blogger Kristi said...
Awww, how sweet. I was feeling those same things just before I gave in to the kids for Tipsy. LOL


Blogger theups said...
I LOVE kittens!!! So playful and sweet!!! And seeing children with them is even MORE sweet!!

So... have y'all decided on a name yet? :)

Mrs. U

Blogger Kelli said...
Awwww...so sweet!! Yes, I think now would be a good time to give up. ;0)


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