This week for
Kelli's Show and Tell I wanted to share a neat discovery I made a few days ago.
My sweet MIL gave me a stack of books to read a few months back. One of my favorites was
Papa's Wife, a delightful little book. There's a whole series of these books based upon the life of the author Thyra Ferre Bjorn, a Swedish native whose father was pastor of the local church in their village. This week I finished the sequel,
Papa's Daughter.
I had read a couple of chapters before I noticed the inscription on the inside of the tattered cover written by the hand of a little third grade boy. As it turns out, Mr. C gave these books to his mom on Mother's Day in 1982. When I showed him the inscription, he said that he didn't even remember the books. I thought it was neat that Bookworm and I are enjoying them 25 years later.