... to be busy, busy, busy!
This week we have revival services each evening. The evangelist preaching our revival meeting is Bro. Brian McBride. He has been "preachin' the house down" each service, and we're looking forward to what the Lord is going to do the rest of the week. It's been a real treat to hear the McBride family sing and play their instruments. They blessed our family with four of their CDs. We've been enjoying a CD of Christmas music today.
During the day I have been homeschooling, preparing meals for our visiting evangelist and his family, finishing up my Christmas shopping, and preparing for company that will arrive on Friday. We're having a special choir presentation and a church fellowship this coming Sunday, too. Whew!
But, it's a good kind of busy, if there is such a thing.:)
I hope you all have a blessed week!