The Check's in the Mail

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingSome days it's fun to check the mailbox. Last week I was so excited when I received my special gift from Susan. Well, today my mailman brought another surprise. We got a refund check in the mail from our former insurance company! The letter attached to the check informed us that we had been overcharged for our auto insurance on one of our vehicles. I thought it was interesting that we were just now getting a refund on a policy that we cancelled over a year ago when we moved to a different state! (Gotta love insurance companies!) Guess how much money that big fat check was worth? A whopping $7.51 cents!!!! My heart began beating regularly once again. Oh, well; I'm still thankful for this little blessing! Although, my Chevy will probably eat up that entire amount in gas on my way to the bank to deposit the check!
~Riverbend Ramblings~
The days are long, but the years are short.
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Monday, August 21, 2006
The Check's in the Mail
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingSome days it's fun to check the mailbox. Last week I was so excited when I received my special gift from Susan. Well, today my mailman brought another surprise. We got a refund check in the mail from our former insurance company! The letter attached to the check informed us that we had been overcharged for our auto insurance on one of our vehicles. I thought it was interesting that we were just now getting a refund on a policy that we cancelled over a year ago when we moved to a different state! (Gotta love insurance companies!) Guess how much money that big fat check was worth? A whopping $7.51 cents!!!! My heart began beating regularly once again. Oh, well; I'm still thankful for this little blessing! Although, my Chevy will probably eat up that entire amount in gas on my way to the bank to deposit the check!
Blogger Kristi said...
LOL, at least get a milkshake out of it on your way to the bank!!



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