I'm sure many of you are very familiar with FlyLady and her system of routines for keeping your home out of C.H.A.O.S. (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). I joined FlyLady's bandwagon almost 6 years ago-- I cannot believe it's been that long ago! Prior to developing a set of routines for keeping my home clutter-free and clean, housekeeping tasks were a never-ending burden. At the time I had two small children and was up to my ears in laundry and toys. Meal planning was non-exisitent. My house only looked really nice if I knew I had company coming over. I signed up for FlyLady's e-mails and got serious about following her plan. It worked!! Now six years later, I have 4 children, more laundry than ever, a bigger house to clean, and homeschooling to add to the mix. I have forgone FlyLady's web site because I have all of my zones and routines memorized. I don't need the charts and lists like I used to. My house is not perfect and I still have too much "stuff" in it, but it does stay presentable and maintained on a day-to-day basis.
My children are now able to do so much around the house, and that is such a blessing to me! I have spent the last couple of months training them on specific chores (more on that in a later post). However, while I have been focusing more on chores for the children I have neglected some of the tasks that is doesn't hurt to skip once or twice but will catch up with you if neglected for a long period of time. I'm working on a challenge for the month of July. I think FlyLady will have something to do with it!